Fishing is an invitation to be in beautiful places around the world, where we spend great moments. When we return, we may be full of special memories of those experiences at the river side: the unspoiled wilderness scenery; the incredible colours of a Brown Trout or the great fight of a fresh Atlantic Salmon. These are the precious things that we want to bring back home...
Sebastian is also an angler, and he understands very well what you feel, and can help you find what you are looking for by capturing your special memory on canvas. The feelings aroused by this painting will bring you fond memories. Sebastian can create a painting to keep those memories alive, for your home or office for the sad time when you are away from those blessed waters!
These angling commissions are designed for keen anglers, fishery/lodge owners, and businesses in the tackle/angling trade. |
Portraits for Anglers
This is in the true sense of the word a portrait, where the angler is profiled as in those classic paintings from the past, now pretty much a lost art, probably because it requires a lot of skill to capture accurately the person and the mood. And if you wish to celebrate moments you never want to forget like the challenging trout that you caught, or your lifetime trophy fish, then you can return the fish safely to the water and capture them again on canvas.
The main idea here is to have the angler as protagonist of the composition and portrait: their character, mood etc. This can be done even to full life size! Whatever suits you. |

Flyfishing scenes or views of the river
A wonderful way to remember fishing your favorite spot on the river, lake, or your “honey hole”. Here it is the whole scene that matters. The mood of the scene, the light and the sensation of space of the place, which can be breathtaking...and tough to encapsulate in words.
Flyfishing scenes or views of the river
A wonderful way to remember fishing your favorite spot on the river, lake, or your “honey hole”. Here it is the whole scene that matters. The mood of the scene, the light and the sensation of space of the place, which can be breathtaking...and tough to encapsulate in words.
Some information about commissioned works,
The commissions can be done in oil painting or graphite pencil over paper or prepared support. Before starting with any commission Sebastian will do a study for the composition and then send it for approval, then the size and price can be determined.
The price of commissions depends on the size and composition. Deliver the painting would take around 10 months. Drawings take less time.
For more information, possibilities of a composition, size and prices, please contact me. |
Art for books,
Can be done in the media that suits best your project book.
Custom-made drawings, paintings with the themes that you need, in colours, black and white etc. Can be for aesthetic purposes as well as instructional.
I have done Drawings or Paintings for the following:
“Am fluss” Author Georg Rosen (Germany), which is about salmon angling tales in different rivers of Norway, published in 2006.
“A Celebration of Salmon Rivers ” for Orri Vigfusson, Chairman of The North Atlantic Salmon Fund (Iceland), 2007.
“River at the End of the World” Author Adrian Latimer (England), about fishing in Argentina. All profits go to The North Atlantic Salmon Fund (Iceland) and Wild trout Trust (England), 2009.
For further information contact me. |
Classic salmon flies tied without vise:
I do accept commissions to tie classic Salmon flies for collectors. These flies are tied without a vice and with original materials.
They can be from different time periods or creators. Many of these creations are the most famous classic salmon flies ever made, not just because of their beauty, but also because they have caught a lot of salmon and still do in a number of rivers around the Atlantic.
This is a way to keep the tradition alive, from bygone days.
For further information contact me. |